See world through my eyes.

  • What does Russia want from Ukraine? Explaining Russia Ukraine Crisis 

    What does Russia want from Ukraine? Explaining Russia Ukraine Crisis 

    Russia has deployed a myriad of troops on the Ukrainian perimeters. The western world is constantly accusing Russia of planning an armed invasion of Ukraine which has been denied by the latter repeatedly. NATO is devising to counter the potential war with its rapid response force. The member countries alongside the US have all sent…

  • Why young India is dying of heart attacks?

    Why young India is dying of heart attacks?

    We all want to live our life to the fullest but the pandemic that hit us last year put an end to many people’s journeys. The pandemic isn’t the only thing that we should be worrying about at this point. The sudden influx in heart diseases and cardiac arrests is of grave concern. Recently all…

  • 5 Tips to start over again

    5 Tips to start over again

    Have you been feeling unmotivated lately? Do you keep procrastinating your work till the last second? Does it seem like you’re going through a creative block? If you relate to everything or your answer to even a single question above is ‘yes’ then you’ve come to the right place. The world is going through a…

  • Manual Scavenging – A Shrouded Reality of Casteism in Modern India

    Manual Scavenging – A Shrouded Reality of Casteism in Modern India

    Despite being deemed illegal by Indian laws, manual scavenging remains one of the most shameful and outdated practices in modern India. ‘Manual scavenging’ means the removal of human excrement from sewers, tanks, public toilets and gutters by manual labour. It’s a practice which is steered by the archaic cast divide. Alongside being a degrading survival…

  • A Girl’s Best Friend – A Brief History Of Bras

    A Girl’s Best Friend – A Brief History Of Bras

    Hello everyone! First of all, let me ask my female readers, did you go braless amid this coronavirus lockdown? Wearing your oversized t-shirt and pyjamas all day. That sounds comfy, doesn’t it? Wearing a bra while isolating yourself is completely a personal choice but when it comes to a regular basis, there are some norms…

  • Fat Acceptance i.e, A hoax for rising obesity

    Fat Acceptance i.e, A hoax for rising obesity

    #opinion The title might put some of you off or you must be thinking where is this ‘arrogant thin privileged’ comment coming from. Let me first clear this to you, there is nothing vicious or intentionally demeaning when it comes to debunking the myths surrounding our food culture. Every’body’ is beautiful and there is no…

  • Coronavirus – A Global Emergency

    Coronavirus – A Global Emergency

    More than 900 people have died due to coronavirus and there are more than 40,000 cases reported to this day. It emerged from Wuhan, a city in China which is being evacuated and taken care of. The wrath of this virus was first reported in late January by a family as two members showed signs…

  • Climate Change – Our fate, ignored

    Climate Change – Our fate, ignored

    If you also feel that winters are arriving late and summers are hotter and longer than before especially if you live in Northern India like me, I’m here to tell you the reason behind it. This is no rocket science. It is because of ‘climate change‘. Don’t worry, the world isn’t ending tomorrow but it…

  • We Are Running Out Of Water

    We Are Running Out Of Water

    The grass is always greener on the other side. As Mumbai is drowning in water with heavy rainfall, on the other side Tamil Nadu is facing acute water scarcity. Chembarambakkam lake, one of the state capital Chennai’s water sources have dried up and Tamil Nadu still has no long-term plans to deal with the water…

  • 3 Main Reasons Why Men Are Being Overlooked

    3 Main Reasons Why Men Are Being Overlooked

    We are living in the age of social media and emerging social enthusiasts primarily focusing on #feminism, gay rights, animal rights and the list goes on. What we miss worth mentioning about is backbone of our lives, our fathers, brothers and husbands. Don’t they deserve a little bit of attention too? A bicycle has two…

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