Fat Acceptance i.e, A hoax for rising obesity


The title might put some of you off or you must be thinking where is this ‘arrogant thin privileged’ comment coming from. Let me first clear this to you, there is nothing vicious or intentionally demeaning when it comes to debunking the myths surrounding our food culture. Every’body’ is beautiful and there is no denying in that but considering something acceptable when it’s harming you on the other hand is plain stupid.

Obesity is a rising global problem costing people their lives. A major cause in growing obesity rates is undoubtedly westernised fast food cultures. It is backed up by various scientific researches which concludes that western countries like US and UK have some of the highest obesity rates. In terms of India, the problem is much smaller in statistical data but equally dangerous. As we all are accepting western lifestyle each day, we are also getting a little closer in the harms way. With various food preparing practices like deep frying and bigger portions, a hidden peril lurks.

In today’s modern world, obesity is most blatantly visible yet neglected health problem. The most problematic factor surrounding obesity is the ‘promotion’ of unhealthy behaviour. From the rage of social media warriors to a complete movement defending obesity, it’s truly mind boggling to say the least. Yes, people from all sections of society, every body type, every colour, every aspect should be equally represented and respected. But promoting a serious health condition on which you have the choice to change is truly deceiving.

A lot of people would be offended by this but consider this, wouldn’t it be better if one has a higher life expectancy and a lower risks of having serious diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and various others. Some of you would say, “but it’s genetics, duh?!’ yes genetics do play a part but it’s not stopping a person from putting that big mac down and start moving instead of chomping on the whole thing at one go. It’s never easy losing those extra kilos. We all have a little extra fat here and there all over our bodies, there is not a single wrong thing about having a bloated belly, saggy breasts, strech marks, body hair. Everything about a human body is beautiful but the problem arises when people defend their unhealthy behaviours by manipulating everyone into believing in what they believe. You wouldn’t encourage a smoker then why promote something which is vaguely doing the same thing to your body i.e, killing you slowly. Being morbidly obese and curvy is not the same, being the latter is completely fine but, being fat enough that doing normal chores become a hassle is not fine. Promoting unhealthy amounts of fat is as harmful as promoting anorexia.

If you’re an obese person reading this, I have nothing against you. If you’re putting efforts in turning the tables, you have my utmost respect. On the other side, bullying a person who’s fat is never a positive thing, a comment could be disguised in ‘care’ but intentionally hurting. It’s not easy being an obese person but it’s not preferable to stay like that, victimizing yourself all along the line. Victim mentality never makes anything easier in any situation. I’m no one to tell anyone how to live but when you start preaching something which only has one grim ending, that’s not okay. It’s a sweet escape from the haunting truth, staring straight into our eyes. But the change starts there. Accept. Change is impossible without acceptance. Today when majority would accept their unhealthy fat, accept the fact and punch it on its face. Because you are beautiful and you deserve better than that.





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